Your choice… smugly claim to be a multitasker or be productive and valued at work.

Audience Engagement The key to good public speaking is engaging the audience. There is nothing worse in terms of a performance than a speaker who does not interact with their audience. This does not mean one has to pick on members to partake in some activity like a Vegas magician show. It could be simple

According to Christopher Booker, famed author, journalist and Eurosceptic, there are seven basic plot narratives that all works of fiction can fit into. This idea of a set number of plot structures is not a rarity in academia. Some say seven, some say eleven, and some go as far as the twenties. Nonetheless, we can

I love stories and I’m lucky enough to have been able to make my living telling stories and helping other people to tell their stories on a variety of stages. But cinema and film have always been a magic place for the whole StoryPower® team. It’s kinda compulsory. In films and stories, we are transported

Why William Shakespeare is the Father of All Modern Storytelling William Shakespeare is the Daddy of Modern Storytelling. Despite writing centuries ago, Shakespeare’s influence on modern storytelling is profound and irrefutable. From themes of love and betrayal to explorations of politics and identity, Shakespeare pioneered storytelling techniques and spoke about human themes that still captivate

Storytelling is all about the destination. Most people travel to an airport, sit around waiting, eat weird airport food, get on a plane, and endure a flight whilst watching the small aeroplane movie screens without any affection for the journey. For many it’s a mindless, annoying task that requires no strength of wits and simply

Stories and Sales are Stories The story of the founders, the employees, the company’s history and growth, the individual stories of the customers and why they become customers (or don’t)… how they believe purchasing goods or services from a business will change their stories, their lives. All these stories make up the brand, the story,
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