Storytelling is a Business Constant

There are few constants in business, but storytelling is one of them. Stories move people and deliver results. Storytelling makes the business world human, abstract concepts relatable, and complex things clear.

A good story invites listeners to become emotionally involved participants.

StoryPower® is all about Business Storytelling. 

Businesses are Stories

The stories of the founders, the employees, the company’s history and growth, the individual stories of the customers and why they become customers (or don’t)… how they believe purchasing goods or services from a business will change their stories, their lives.

All these stories make up the brand, the story, of a company. Even when a business fails, there are hundreds of stories associated with the failure: the dreams and disappointment of the founders, the despair and life changes of the employees.

Apple, Airbnb, Warby Parker, Tesla and Amazon are all great and well-known storytellers. But stories are also part of their past, their legend. Do you know how they got their names? Or why Mercedes has a three-point star? Why Audi has four circles? Where did Sainsbury’s get his name? And what about Tesco? 

  • Apple’s name was suggested by Steve Jobs, who was inspired by his visit to an apple orchard. It sounded friendly and fun; he thought it would be a positive and approachable brand name. (I knew that!)
  • Tesla is named after the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, known for his contributions to electrical engineering and innovation. Elon Musk chose this name to represent the company’s focus on cutting-edge technology and innovation. (Knew that story too!)
  • Sainsbury’s is a British supermarket chain founded by John James Sainsbury and his wife, Mary Ann, in 1869. (I knew that story). 
  • Tesco is a British supermarket chain. Its name combines the initials of its founder, Jack Cohen, CO and the first three letters of a supplier from whom he bought his business-starting consignment of tea – Thomas Edward Stockwell TES. (I thought it was because his daughter was called Tessa. Wrong story). 
  • Amazon: Jeff Bezos wanted a name for his online bookstore that started with the letter ‘A’ to appear at the top of alphabetical lists. He chose Amazon, inspired by the Amazon River, to convey the idea of something vast and exotic. The company’s logo features an arrow from A to Z, symbolizing its wide range of products. (I knew that story too).
  • Audi: Audi’s name comes from the Latin word for “listen.” The company’s founder, August Horch, couldn’t use his own name for his second automobile company due to trademark issues, so he chose “Audi” to emphasize the importance of listening to customers. The business comprises four car manufacturers – each represented by a circle. (I knew that story too). 
  • Mercedes-Benz: The name Mércedès comes from Emil Jellinek’s daughter’s name, while Benz is derived from the surname of Karl Benz, one of the company’s founders. The logo features a three-pointed star, representing the company’s dominance in land, sea, and air transportation. (I thought it was because there were three founders. Wrong story). Jellinek was an entrepreneur who loved car racing and promoted Daimler cars to the very rich.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb combines “air mattress” and “bed and breakfast.” The founders started by renting out air mattresses in their apartment and wanted a name that conveyed the idea of providing lodging and hospitality. (I didn’t know that – cool, huh?)
  • Warby Parker: The company’s name combines two characters from Jack Kerouac’s writings, Warby Pepper and Zagg Parker. The founders chose this name because they felt it had a sense of character and uniqueness. (I didn’t know that either! Pride dented. But great stories.). 

These companies have a unique story behind their name and logo, reflecting their values, missions, and histories. 

Storytelling isn’t a marketing tactic for these companies. It is an integral part of their history, identity and strategy. Their stories define them and attract huge loyal tribes. They also tell current stories and want to trigger great stories from their customers. 

What’s Our Story? The Story of StoryPower®?

Over the last thirty years, we have taught thousands of people in hundreds of businesses worldwide, including 16 PLCS, how to tell better stories about themselves and their businesses. Plus, over 300 people got on the famous circular red carpet on the TEDMED stage, and nearly 200 Members of Parliament were selected and elected.

We have split what we do into three separate sections under the MessageCraft® umbrella: 

Filtered Out – Storytelling for Interview Preparation

StoryPower® – Business Storytelling

Peter Botting – Storytelling and SpeakerCoaching for Leaders

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Peter Botting